For PATA Days 2024 we solicit abstracts on the following topics:

  • Active tectonics/ neotectonics
  • Tectonic geomorphology
  • Surface faulting
  • Paleoseismology
  • Earthquake-induced landslides
  • Liquefaction
  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment
  • Probabilistic Fault Hazard Displacement Analysis
  • Quaternary geochronology
  • Shallow geophysics for seismic hazard assessment
  • Remote sensing of earthquake deformation (LiDAR, InSAR)
  • Seismicity, geodesy, and crustal deformation

Step 1: Download abstract template

Step 2: Registration, payment and submission of the 4-page abstract  (Deadline April 26th, 2024).
Last extension of the deadline for registration and abstract submission May 17, 2024