PATA Chile 2024

PATA Chile 2024

Los Andes, Central Chile. October 6-11
PATA Chile 2024

PATA Chile 2024

12th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology

Pata 2024

PATA is the most significant workshop on paleoseismology, active tectonics and archaeoseismology of the INQUA TERPRO commission. For first time in South America, we are honored to host the 12th PATA event. Located in the active margin formed by the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate; a unique tectonic setting for the assessment of megathrust episodes, upper-plate paleo-earthquakes, and paleotsunami records, and their relationship with surface processes and landscape evolution at the Quaternary timescale.


  • Active tectonics/neotectonics.
  • Tectonic geomorphology
  • Surface faulting
  • Paleoseismology
  • Archaeoseismology
  • Tsunami and paleotsunami records
  • Earthquake-induced landslides
  • Liquefaction
  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment
  • Probabilistic Fault Hazard Displacement Analysis
  • Quaternary geochronology
  • Shallow geophysics for seismic hazard assessment
  • Remote sensing of earthquake deformation (LiDAR, InSAR)
  • Seismicity, geodesy, and crustal deformation



Meeting Venue

The PATA event will be held at the wonderful Termas El Corazón Resort (TERMAS EL CORAZÓN), which is situated on an active thrust fault system at the west foot of the Andes in central Chile. Termas El Corazón Resort’s facilities include WIFI, swimming pools, Restaurant and Bar.

The registration for PATA include shared rooms, breakfast, lunch, coffee break, and dinner. Alcoholic beverages are not included in the registration fee.

Field trips


One day intra-meeting field trips are included in the program to visit fault scarps related to the San Ramón and Cariño Botado thust fault systems, tectonic geomorphology and active tectonics of the Andes Cordillera, and paleotsunami record along coastal central Chile.

Additionally, the 2024 PATA workshop includes two optional pre-meeting and post-meeting fieldtrips to visit historical and prehistorical coastal records of large tsunamigenic megathrusts and upper-plate fault activity.

Optional post-meeting fieldtrip / October 12-14, 2024: “The Active Andean Orogenic Front at the Precordillera FTB, Argentina”.

  • Quaternary geomorphology and tectonics across the Andes of Chile and Argentina
  • Exposures of Quaternary-active thrusts of the frontal deformation zone in Mendoza region


Optional pre-meeting fieldtrip / October 3-6, 2024: “Subduction earthquake processes, near surface ruptures and Quaternary landscape evolution in the northern Chilean forearc”

  • Geoarchaeological records of large historic and prehistoric subduction earthquakes and tsunamis
  • Historical tsunami sites and impact of the last Mw 8.8 1877 earthquake
  • Earthquake and coastal uplifting in the Mejillones Peninsula
  • Quaternary upper plate fault activity
  • Coseismic cracks during subduction earthquakes
  • Surface processes in the most hyperarid desert on Earth


Important logistic information for post-conference fieldtrip

The post-conference fieldtrip will start on October 12 from Termas del Corazón and will end on October 14 in Santiago. The nights from October 11 to 14 (three nights), will be provided and included in the post conference meeting fee. On October 14, early in the morning, we will return from Mendoza region to Santiago.
Please, check your passport and Visas for Chile and Argentina.”


Important logistic information for pre-conference fieldtrip

The pre-conference fieldtrip will start early morning on October 3 from Antofagasta and will end on October 5 late in the afternoon in Iquique. Accommodation during the nights from October 3 to 6 will be considered. On October 6, early in the morning, we will return with the trucks and by bus from Iquique to Antofagasta (5-6 hrs by car). So, it is highly recommended to take fly tickets from Iquique to Santiago on October 6, in the morning, or, alternatively, from Antofagasta airport (after 16 hrs) to Santiago.


Meeting Program

October 6th

  • Afternoon: Icebreaker and dinner at conference venue

October 7th

  • Conference – Intrameeting fieldtrip to Cariño Botado thrust fault

October 8th

  • Intrameeting fieldtrip to San Ramón thrust fault and Quaternary tectonics of Santiago region

October 9th

  • Conference

October 10th

  • Conference

October 11th

  • Conference-Intrameeting fiedtrip to paleotsunami deposits along the coast of Valparaiso region


For PATA Days 2024 we solicit abstracts on the following topics:

  • Active tectonics/ neotectonics
  • Tectonic geomorphology
  • Surface faulting
  • Paleoseismology
  • Earthquake-induced landslides
  • Liquefaction
  • Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment
  • Probabilistic Fault Hazard Displacement Analysis
  • Quaternary geochronology
  • Shallow geophysics for seismic hazard assessment
  • Remote sensing of earthquake deformation (LiDAR, InSAR)
  • Seismicity, geodesy, and crustal deformation

Step 1: Download abstract template

Step 2: Registration, payment and submission of the 4-page abstract  (Deadline April 26th, 2024).
Last extension of the deadline for registration and abstract submission May 17, 2024


October 6th - 11th, 2024

Grants Available

We have funds provided from CHAMP Project (from INQUA TERPRO), for 8-10 Early Career Researchers (ECRs), and Researchers from Developing Countries (DCRs) are all eligible to receive a grant that will pay for registration fees, hotel accommodations and meals. In addition, ECRs living abroad are eligible to receive a grant for traveling support. ECRs are scientists within seven years of their latest degree (BSc., MSc., PhD), and who not hold a permanent position. We count students as ECRs Based on the number of applicants we will support registration fees and maybe also travel costs.
In addition, 5 grants specifically for students will be provided by OLLIN-IGCP-669 UNESCO Project.
Your brief application must include the following:

  • Cover letter explaining your areas of research and how you would profit from attending the meeting (half page);
  • Valid proof of status (for students only);
  • List of other available funding (if applicable);
  • A proposed budget and the amount of support you apply for.

Apply below in the Application Form link before April 26th, 2024

Please note that we cannot pay any support in advance.
We expect everyone who receives funding to present a study at the conference (oral or poster), so do not forget to submit an abstract, otherwise your application will not be considered.

Application Form


(All costs in US Dollars)



Per Person

Full accommodation in Termas del Corazón Resort (shared rooms), including meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), registration fees, intra-meeting fieldtrips


Per Person

Pre-meeting fieldtrip: “Subduction earthquake processes, near surface ruptures and Quaternary landscape evolution in the northern Chilean forearc”


Per Person

Post-meeting fieldtrip: “Chile-Argentina Andean transect and active tectonics at Mendoza region”


Organizing Committee

Gabriel Easton (

Universidad de Chile

Gabriel González (

Universidad Católica del Norte

Luisa Pinto (

Universidad de Chile

Carlos Costa (

Universidad Nacional de San Luis

Marco Cisternas (

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

José Gonzalez Alfaro (Committee Secretary,

Universidad de Chile
Organizing Committee+
Joaquín Cortes
Gregory De Pascale
Isabel Santibáñez
Daniel Melnick
Sofía Rebolledo
Felipe Aron
Sergio Ruiz

TERPRO CHAMP Project and OLLIN IGCP UNESCO Project Grant Committees
Tina Niemi
Yann Klinger
Shreya Arora
María Ortuño
Christoph Grützner

Administrative and Logistic support
William Godoy
Verónica Carrasco
Mónica Sorondo

Web Manager
Mauricio Marchant


Registration and abstract submission: April 26th, 2024
(Registration will be available between March 4th and April 26th)
