PATA Chile 2024

PATA Chile 2024

Los Andes, Central Chile / October 6-11
PATA Chile 2024

PATA Chile 2024

12th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology


Intrameeting fieldtrips to thrust faults and active tectonics at the west flank of the Andes, and paleotsunami record of large earthquakes in central Chile
Pre and post meeting fieldtrips to the Atacama Desert and Andean transect across central Chile and Argentina for active tectonics (around October 3-6 and 12-15, respectively)

Preliminary schedule

Deadline for short abstract submission: December 2023 – January 2024 / Deadline for extended abstract submission and inscription: February – March 2024 / 1st circular coming soon!